We are putting our heads together to find and summarize the best and most current autism information, including research, that speaks from the point of view of Autistics and/or allies. Everyone deserves to feel heard and understood, and also be given the chance to understand themselves more fully. We hope that these summaries might inspire you to dive deeper into understanding autism.
New summaries will be added to this page as they are reviewed.
If you come across autism research that you would like us to review or summarize,
contact us!
Wilczynski, S.M., Trammell, B., & Clarke, L.S. (2013). Improving
employment outcomes adolescents and adults on the autism
spectrum. Psychology in the Schools, 50(9), 876-887.
Gemma, N. (2021). Reconceptualising 'reasonable adjustments' for the successful employment of autistic women.
Disability & Society. https://doi.org/10.1080/09687599.2021.1971065
Cope, R. & Remington, A., 2021)
"Strengths and Abilities of Autistic People in the Workplace."
(Global Impact Sourcing Coalition, n.d.)
Hayward, S. M., McVilly, K. R. & Stokes, M. A. (2019). "I Would Love to Just Be Myself": What Autistic Women
Want at Work. Autism in Adulthood, 1 (4), 297-305. https://doi.org/10.1089/aut.2019.0020
Nicholas, D.B. & Lau, A.M. (2019). Employment Support for Autistic Adults in the Information Technology Sector: A Case Study of Meticulon Consulting Inc.
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AUTGEMS thanks the Alberta Government, Ministry of Culture, Multiculturalism and Status of Women for a CIP grant that supported the creation of this website.